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Long-Term Impacts And Vehicle Accident Claims

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For an unfortunate group of vehicle accident victims, the impact of their injuries is not short-lived. Instead, they are left with a lasting impact, which may result in the need for long-term medical care. For people in this vulnerable population, there is rightful concern about whether or not their long-term needs will be met as part of the accident claim. Learn more about how long-term medical treatment is handled with an accident claim.

Defining a Long-Term Impact

When the average person thinks about a long-term issue or injury pertaining to an accident, they are quick to think about a debilitating or life-threatening issue. However, legally, a long-term impact encompasses much more. For example, someone who sustained a permanent scar on their face due to the accident would be deemed to have sustained a long-term impact. As such, they would be entitled to compensation for any difficulties this disfiguration has caused. 

Documented Treatment Plan

To help the claims process move forward with fewer issues, all victims claiming damages for long-term injuries should have a documented treatment plan prepared. Within this plan, a provider will document the injury sustained, the prognosis, and the specific treatment regimen the individual must follow for proper recovery, including the duration. Without this documentation, the insurance company may not consider this claim.

History of Compliance

It is not unheard of for the insurance company to also assess the victim's history of compliance. In short, an insurance company will only pay for injuries the victim takes seriously. For instance, a victim that has missed their medical appointments or therapy could face issues. The insurance company might argue about the validity of the long-term injury if the victim is unwilling to seek the proper treatment. Ensure you stay on top of your medical care to avoid an issue. 

Settlement Stages

For accident injuries that come with a long-term impact, it is also not unheard of for their settlement to be completed in stages. As part of the initial settlement, the insurance company might offer payment for any preexisting medical bills and other costs related to their injuries. However, they might provide additional compensation for these costs every so many months, as needed. Your attorney will discuss how your settlement will be paid out in detail with you.

Any person injured in a vehicle accident should speak with an attorney as soon as possible to discuss the specifics of their case and move towards a fair settlement process. For more information, contact a vehicle accident injury attorney near you.
