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3 Types Of Records To Keep After A Motorcycle Accident

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After a motorcycle accident, you need to carefully track the damage to your vehicle, the medical care that you need, and additional expenses that you sustain because of your accident. Carefully tracking this information will help you as you pursue a settlement with the insurance company or through a personal injury lawsuit. Here are three kinds of records you should maintain so that you can share them with your motorcycle attorney.

#1 Medical Records

The first thing that you need to keep track of is all the medical care that you receive. The medical care that you need after a motorcycle accident is often the cornerstone of a personal injury case. You need to make sure that you document, on your own, each medical appointment and treatment that you receive. Keeping your own records will help assure that you are able to correctly gather up all of your medical records for your case.

With your own records, you can go into more detail as well. You can document how you feel each day and all the ways that your personal life has changed due to the medical care that you are receiving. For example, if you have to do 30 minutes of physical therapy on your own each day, you'll want to document this. If you have to take certain medications every day, you'll want to keep track of that as well.

The more detailed your own medical records are, the stronger your case for compensation will be. It is up to you to build a strong case.

#2 Life-Impact Records

The impact of a serious injury can spread far beyond your direct medical care. Perhaps you are no longer able to watch your children, so you have to pay for child care or ask a friend to volunteer to help you care for your children. Maybe you are no longer able to walk and take care of your dog, and have to rely on others to step up and take on this responsibility. Perhaps you are not able to drive, and you have to rely on others for transportation.

All these life changes matter. You should record the way that you have had to adjust your life to fit with these changes. Documenting changes that are a direct result of the accident could help you get the compensation that you need for your accident.

#3 Vehicle Expenses

Finally, you need to pay attention to the impact on your motorcycle. Did you have to tow your motorcycle? What did it cost to repair your motorcycle? Did you have to replace your motorcycle? What did it cost you to replace your motorcycle? Your vehicle expenses are another part of your settlement that you need to track and make sure that you document well.

After a motorcycle accident, to get a fair settlement, you need to make sure that you are documenting everything correctly and accurately. Keep track of all your medical care and the medical actions that you have to take on your own. Write down how your everyday life has had to change due to your injuries. Finally, keep track of what is happening with your vehicle as well. An attorney can use all of this information to help you get a fair settlement from the insurance company, either through negotiations or through a lawsuit.
